Guest Speaker: Rich Kaeser, Vice President of Global Brand Protection (Johnson & Johnson)
Counterfeiting is now the largest criminal enterprise in the world, accounting for more than 3% of global trade. In the first episode of this series, we will talk with Rich Kaeser from Johnson & Johnson about what brand owners should be thinking to keep your products safe and secure for your customers.
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Counterfeiting is now the largest criminal enterprise in the world, accounting for more than 3% of global trade. In the first episode of this series, we will talk with Rich Kaeser from Johnson & Johnson about what brand owners should be thinking to keep your products safe and secure for your customers.
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Topic: How Competitors Can Band Together for Brand Protection
Guest Speaker: Wayne Mack, anti-trust attorney (Duane Morris LLP)
Our guest will be Wayne Mack, an anti-trust attorney with Duane Morris LLP who serves as lead counsel to the U.S. Golf Manufacturer’s Anti-Counterfeiting Working Group. We’ll talk with Wayne about how competitors can compliantly pool resources and collaborate to fight their common enemy: counterfeiters. It’s been an effective model that has also been used in the pharmaceutical, automotive, semiconductor and other industries.
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Guest Speaker: Wayne Mack, anti-trust attorney (Duane Morris LLP)
Our guest will be Wayne Mack, an anti-trust attorney with Duane Morris LLP who serves as lead counsel to the U.S. Golf Manufacturer’s Anti-Counterfeiting Working Group. We’ll talk with Wayne about how competitors can compliantly pool resources and collaborate to fight their common enemy: counterfeiters. It’s been an effective model that has also been used in the pharmaceutical, automotive, semiconductor and other industries.
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Topic: Activating the Enterprise for Brand Protection
Guest Speaker: Jeremy Wilson, Criminal Justice Professor (Michigan State University) and Founder of MSU’s Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection
Our guest Jeremy Wilson will discuss his team’s research into the numerous business functions (approximately 38) that can and should be involved in brand protection across a typical enterprise and his model for a “Total Business Solution” approach.
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Guest Speaker: Jeremy Wilson, Criminal Justice Professor (Michigan State University) and Founder of MSU’s Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection
Our guest Jeremy Wilson will discuss his team’s research into the numerous business functions (approximately 38) that can and should be involved in brand protection across a typical enterprise and his model for a “Total Business Solution” approach.
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Topic: Security End-to-End: How to Build Brand Protection Safeguards into CMO/CPO/3PL and Other Supply Chain Partner Relationships
Guest Speaker: Chirag Shah, Director – Product & Supply Chain Security (Sanofi)
Chirag Shah joins us to talk about what brands should be proactively doing to address counterfeiting and illicit trade risks across their partner networks. With counterfeiting and other healthcare products on the rise and supply chain networks becoming more complex, it’s more important than ever to get all of your supply chain partners in lockstep with your brand protection and security expectations and requirements.
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Guest Speaker: Chirag Shah, Director – Product & Supply Chain Security (Sanofi)
Chirag Shah joins us to talk about what brands should be proactively doing to address counterfeiting and illicit trade risks across their partner networks. With counterfeiting and other healthcare products on the rise and supply chain networks becoming more complex, it’s more important than ever to get all of your supply chain partners in lockstep with your brand protection and security expectations and requirements.
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