v. 28 – Q4 2023
Minor Update: The System is operational but in transitional mode: It is not officially open for foreign manufacturers: The capacities of foreign manufacture to register in the system are very limited and the most possible business scenario is involving the reporting process via the importer or other local entity
Market Executive Summary |
Anticipating regional effort to develop legislation on falsified medicine under the umbrella of Eurasian Economic Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), to align with Russian Federation.
Following the EAEU rules for medicines registration and assessments (from 2018). This includes aim to align on serialisation, including medicines:
- 2019: EAEU agreements to uniform serialization norms among member countries: resolutions N 72, 127, 128,129, 130, 205 on serialization of shoes, light industry, tiers, cameras, parfums and cloths (N 129 from 2020: milk products). Based on these resolutions: for EAEU countries, who can’t provide their own labelling codes, should be helped with serialization codes by other countries, such as Russia.
- March 2021: EAEU approved the basic technological organizational model of the system for marking goods by means of identification.
- All EAEU agreements have been physically signed by Kyrgyzstan government.
- Mar 2023: start of mandatory serialization of the medicines.
Key Dates |
- March 3, 2023: Published law (Order N 29) on mandatory stage-by-stage serialization starting from:
- March 6 – July 1, 2023: narcotics, psychotropics and on volunteer basis ( the list is available);
- From July 1 – November 1, 2023: drugs connected to Fond of High technologies: orphan, oncological, hemodialysis and other expensive ones (the list is available);
- November 1, 2023 – March 1, 2024: essential drugs and those purchased under the Federal Compulsory Insurance Fund (the list is available)
- March 1 – June 30, 2024 the rest; Important: the mandatory registration is required in the system IS EBD until April 1, 2023
- December 9, 2022: Draft Law published which announces the stage-by- stage implementation from Jan 1, 2023, though details are lacking at this time)
- September 20, 2022: Order N 1110 : medicines are in scope, but no timelines indicated (important: no need for crypto code , though packs carrying crypto-code from other countries are accepted)
- March 14 – September 30, 2022: pilot project for labelling of bottled water (including sparkling and with sugar additives and energizers), beers, other tobacco products, such as cigars and nicotine containing liquids and electronic cigarettes and other smoking devices (Decree N 136 from Mar 11, 2022).
- July 1, 2021: mandatory labelling of tobacco and alcohol (Decree N 554, from Oct 17, 2019), work on medicines’ labelling system went unsuccessfully for now (medias’ source assign blame to the mistake of Ministry of Health as per Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan)
- June 25, 2020: CJSC “Alfa Telecom” is appointed to be the operator of the national system of labelling and traceability of marked goods “Teksher” (reported by State Tax Service).
- December 12, 2019: Decree N 470”On labelling of goods by means of identification in the Kyrgyz Republic” to respond to EAEU requirements.
- August 2, 2017: Law 165 defines that marking requirements will be the same on the territory of Kyrgyzstan
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